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Access Bars

Access Bars® – The Intro

Saturday, February 3rd, 1:00-2:30

If you’re curious about Bars, this is the workshop for you. Join Bryan Thiele Saturday, February 3rd for a relaxing afternoon as he hosts you for Access Bars® – The Intro. This 90 minute event will include a 60 minute presentation followed by a Bars sampler. The presentation will cover what Bars is, what the benefits are, and what possibilities the future holds. There will be ample opportunity to have all your questions answered. At the end of the presentation, everyone will experience a Bars sampler. We will pair up and Bryan will teach you to run a few of the points on each other. Perceive the energy, receive ease in your body, and expand your being.

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Bryan Thiele

Access Bars, or Bars for short, involves the gentle touch of 32 points of energy on your head. A Bars session is called “getting your Bars run”. Sessions are typically 60 to 90 minutes.


Everyone’s experience is different, so release your expectations. For me, getting my Bars run eliminates stress and opens up my world in miraculous, unexpected ways. I highly encourage you to follow your knowing if you feel drawn to Bars. 


In the time that Bars has been part of my world, I can confidently say I have never experienced anything like it. With thousands upon thousands of people running Bars in over 150 countries, it’s becoming the most popular modality no one knows about. 


It often brings tears to my eyes. Together with Access Consciousness, it has empowered me with the freedom to be what is true for me. True empowerment is incredibly nourishing, nurturing, and expansive; and we are far more powerful than we’ve been taught. Bars can be the beginning of the most empowering journey of your life. Or… you can take a nap while I give you a gentle head massage. (; Your choice. Neither one is right. Neither one is wrong. 


Bars is rarely as accessible as I’m making it for you. It’s been such a gift in my life that I want to make it as easy as possible to receive. Seize the opportunity.




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